Seba also actively fosters

the growth of the electronic music scene in her city Vienna through the Eventseries, ORIENT/ATION. Her goal is to showcase the diverse and multicultural music scene in Vienna, and embrace a new narrative beyond eurocentristic music approaches. Seba has curated  mutiple Events for FLUCC VIENNA & WIENER FESTWOCHEN featuring Artist like Islanman, Sakina Teyna, Kasho Chualan, Res Radio and many more.

The Main Goal of ORIENT/ATIONA is to highlight the multicultural identity of the viennese Clubculture by involving the local DJ ́s, Musicians and Artist. To use the Clubspace before the party as a community space for discourses, workshops, panel discussions where people can meet, connect & discuss before the party starts, around the topics: Postmigration Culture & Art. To also establish a counter-image to the current dismantle tired orientalist perceptions, how people from the middle east have to look and sound like.

The mission is to highlight the diverse Clubculture in Vienna and to create a new unthought space beyond the western and Eurocentric knowledge and cosmology. It is important to highlight a distorted and stereotypical image of the so called „Orient“, and to celebrate a new narrative, beyond the perceptions of popular one- dimensional Orientalist ideas, by creating a safe space within the Clubculture to offer new ways of ORIENT-ATION within the Viennese Art Scene.